The Esade Alumni Young Commission Is the Place for You

December 21, 2020 9:19 am

The Esade Alumni Young Commission was created in 2018 as a venue for networking, teamwork and participation for Esade graduates under 30 years of age, with the aim of energising these younger alumni and responding to their interests. The Young Commission makes wide-ranging contributions in four main areas of activity  Events, Communication, Engagement and International & New Chapters – with the aim of developing inclusive initiatives and content tailored to young peoples outlook and specific needs. 

With the creation of the Young Commission, the Esade Alumni community has gained diversity while remaining faithful to its commitment to lifelong learning, lively networking opportunities and the professional growth of its members.  

We interviewed Clàudia Muñoz (BBA 15) and Paula García (MMM 19), president and vice-president of the Young Commission, respectively, to learn how the organisation works and how to get involved in it. 

Claudia Muñoz

-Who are the members of the Young Commission?
Any alumni under 30 can join! Our goal is to be a diverse team. 

-What initiatives are you working on? 
We are currently organising the commissions kick-off event, which will take place in December and will feature interesting presentations and a few surprises… We are also holding brainstorming sessions with teams from Esade student associations to develop joint proposals, thereby facilitating a natural transition from student to alumni. 

-How does this sort of collaboration benefit your members?
I think that networking, meeting people from your university – but from other programmes and different ages – is a great opportunity. It also allows you to learn more about the ways in which you can participate, the services and benefits of belonging to an alumni association like Esade Alumni, which allows you to keep training, stay abreast of the latest trends, develop new skills and expand your circle of contacts. 


Paula García

-How you think young people can contribute to the association? And what can the association do for you? 
We are a highly educated generation. We have travelled the world, learning languages, getting work experience and volunteering. We have mastered technology like no other generation before us. As for Esade Alumni, its an association that will keep us connected throughout our lives, enabling us to share our professional experiences, new opportunities, training, entrepreneurship and also personal development. Its like being at university, but without actually being there. 

-What are the main challenges you are facing (as a commission and as young people)? 
There are a number of challenges that we have to face. Our goal is to communicate with young people from the moment they begin their studies. That way, theyll they get to know us and feel like a part of this great network – Esade Alumni – and propose initiatives that they would like to take part in. 

We young people must embrace our role as drivers of the changes that are necessary in order for society to advance. To achieve these changes, we have to innovate and take responsibility for continuing to build a better world through knowledge, diversity and sustainable development. Through the Entrepreneurs area and Alumni Social, the Esade Alumni community offers us a perfect way to put our innovative spirit into practice and embrace our responsibility to add value to society. 

The new Esade Alumni Young generation has arrived! 

Watch our video introduction of the members of the new Young Commission (in order of appearance): Alex Pérez (DIN 20), vice-president Paula García (MMM 19), Josep Solé (BBA 19), Anna Borrell (EMDB 18), Cristina Ortega (MMM 15/BBA 14), Mariona Bernaus (GED 12/MUA 16), Beatriz Bueno (BBA 19), Joshua Metcalf (MIM 19) and president Clàudia Muñoz (BBA 15). Get involved! 

Music by @gullenmusic